Moisture Separator

Compressed Air is vulnerable to various types of contamination which greatly reduces its value as a power source and which can have a profound effect on the machinery that it operates. Moisture is most common contaminant present and the one which probably causes the most damage. There is approximately about 35gms of water in one Cubic Meter of atmospheric air, a Cubic Meter of air weighs approximately 1kg. (1000gms).

Pre Filter

Filteration : 5μ, 1μ, .01μ, .003μ
Housing : Aluminium with Powder Coated
End Connection: 1/4" to 1"
Working Pressure : 12 kg/cm2
Optional : D.P Gauge with inbuilt Autodrain

After Filter

Filteration : 5μ, 1μ, .01μ, .003μ
Housing : Aluminium with Powder Coated
End Connection: 1/4" to 1"
Working Pressure : 12 kg/cm2
Optional : D.P Gauge with inbuilt Autodrain